Eradicate Spell

Congratulations on Your Purchase of the Eradicate Candle!

You've made a bold and powerful choice by selecting the Eradicate Candle. This isn't just a candle; it's your definitive tool for banishing unwanted influences and reclaiming control over your relationships.

Take Control and Protect Your Relationships

Your Eradicate Candle is meticulously crafted to eliminate third-party interferences from your life and relationships. This binding spell is designed to expel unwanted energies or individuals, empowering you to reclaim your space and protect your connections. Infused with potent essential oils, it creates a floral, herbaceous scent that uplifts and purifies your space, transforming it into a fortress of peace and clarity.

By harnessing the raw power of the Eradicate Candle and invoking the spirit of Bastet, you can effectively banish those meddling third parties and reclaim your personal power and sovereignty. Trust the process, because this candle ensures your intentions manifest with ruthless precision.

Your Candle's Dressings

  • Black Tourmaline: This powerhouse crystal is renowned for its protective properties. Black tourmaline creates an impenetrable shield against negative energies and psychic attacks, repelling unwanted influences and safeguarding your personal space with unmatched potency.
  • Rose Petals: Symbolizing love, purity, and divine feminine energy, rose petals aren’t just for looks. They infuse the spell with potent healing and nurturing energies, restoring harmony and balance to your relationships with authority.

Important Notice

Pregnancy Warning: Pregnant individuals should steer clear due to the presence of lavender and black pepper essential oils. For more information, review our Pregnancy Warning.

Magical Disclaimer: While our magical items are crafted with meticulous care and ancient wisdom, purchasers must acknowledge being age 18+. These products are not substitutes for medical advice and are intended for educational use only. Use them ethically and responsibly, with personal responsibility assumed. Results may vary, but trust us—they're worth it.

Experience Transformation

Congratulations once again on your purchase of the Eradicate Candle. You're not just taking a step; you're making a statement. Embrace the transformative power of this candle, seize control of your relationships, and banish unwanted influences with absolute certainty. Light your Eradicate Candle, and watch as your intentions manifest with unyielding force.

woman cleansing her space with sage sticks and candle 

Cleansing Tips before Performing the Spell:

Before performing the Eradicate spell, it's essential to cleanse your energy and space to ensure maximum effectiveness. Some ways to cleanse your energy include:

  • Smudging with sage, palo santo, or cedar
  • Taking a ritual bath with salt or herbs
  • Visualizing white light surrounding and purifying your energy
  • Using sound therapy with bells, singing bowls, or chimes

Before lighting the Eradicate candle, take a moment to cleanse your space and prepare yourself for the ritual. Clear your mind and release any lingering negativity or emotional baggage.



Moon Cycles

Set Your Intentions

The Eradicate Spell Is Performed On A Saturday Morning (Around Sunset) During The Waning Moon.


 Set Intentions Light Candle
January 14, 2025 January 18, or 25, 2025
February 15, 2025 March 22, 2025
March 12, 2025 March 15, or 22, 2025
April 13, 2024 April 19 or 26, 2024
May 23, 2024 May 25, or June 1, 2024
June 22, 2024 June 29, 2024
July 21, 2024 July 27, or August 3, 2024
August 20, 2024 August 24, or 31, 2024
September 18, 2024 September 21, or 28, 2024
October 18, 2024 October 19, or 26, 2024
November 16, 2024 November 23, or 30, 2024
December 15, 2024 December 21, or 28, 2024



  1. Sit in a quiet, sacred space where you won't be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and focus your intention on the candle in front of you.

  2. Hold the candle in both hands, feeling its energy and connection to your intention. Visualize a bright, protective light surrounding you and your relationship, shielding you from any unwanted influences.


Recite 3x’s the following empowering verses aloud three times each, infusing each word with intention and conviction:


Hear my plea, Bastet, goddess of might, In my anguish, banish [name of third party] from sight. Their presence disrupts, threatens our bond, With rage and despair, I call upon your respond.

By your strength, let them be gone, From our union, may they swiftly move on. No place for them in our sacred space, With fury and resolve, I invoke your grace.

Bastet, protector, hear my plea, From this relationship, set [name of third party] free. With each breath, with each tear, Let them depart, never to interfere.

Grant us peace, restore our trust, With your guidance, remove this unjust. So be it, in your name I decree, Bastet, cleanse our love, set our spirits free.



  1. Feel the energy building within you as you speak these words, knowing that you have the power to manifest your desires and protect your relationship.

  2. Repeat the verses as instructed, allowing the candle's flame to amplify your intention and strengthen your connection to Bastet's protective energy.

  3. Leave the candle lit until it burns out completely, allowing its energy to continue working on your behalf. Trust in the universe to support you as you navigate this situation with strength and grace.

Recite these verses with confidence and conviction, knowing that you hold the power to protect your relationship and banish any unwanted influences. Trust in your own strength and the guidance of the divine to support you in your journey.



Bastet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of home, fertility, and protection, is invoked to amplify the potency of this spell. She is often depicted as a lioness or with the head of a lioness, symbolizing her fierce protection and nurturing qualities.

To honor Bastet and invite her presence into your ritual, set up a sacred space and speak directly to her spirit. Offer words of gratitude for her guidance and protection, and visualize her protective energy surrounding you as you perform your banishing ritual. You may wish to light a candle in her honor or offer a small offering as a token of appreciation such as incense, flowers, or food

Pay Homage To Your Ancestors

Homage Is Honouring Our Ancestors That Came Before Us..

We cannot ask our ancestors for help without paying homage.


When your candle has completely burned down, you may choose to recycle the entire glass container with the wax in it. However, if you would like to reuse the holder, take any remaining wax out of the holder. This can be done by placing the holder in hot water or by placing your holder (if it’s oven safe) in an oven set at the very lowest setting (usually “Warm”).  Alternatively, you can use a hair dryer to soften the wax in the glass. Once the wax is soft, it may be scooped out or even wiped out with a paper towel.

You may dispose of the leftover candle wax by throwing it in the trash (your own trash if the spell was to bring something to you or a trashcan away from your home if you were doing uncrossing or banishing work), however, if you would like to dispose of your candle in a more ceremonious way, you have several options.

If you have been working with an invoking candle, you may keep it in a ziplock bag and place it in an appropriate place (such as your bedroom for a love spell or your office for a prosperity spell) until your spell comes to fruition. Alternatively, you may bury it on your property or in a potted plant in your home or workplace. You might want to form the leftover wax into symbols such as hearts or dollar signs and place these wax talismans on your altar or add a small piece of the wax to a mojo bag. You can also soften the wax with a hair dryer and use it to form a poppet or doll baby.

For an uncrossing or banishing candle, you may want to bury it somewhere away from your home, bury it in a graveyard or leave it in a crossroads, that is, leave the spell remains in the center of a quiet intersection where two roads cross.

In any case, once your candle has burned completely, your spell work is complete. Your work now is to envision, expect and receive the positive results.


How long does it take a spell to work?

That depends on the circumstances surrounding the situation: often, more challenging situations require a longer time to turn around. I was taught, as a general rule, to look for a small positive sign (such as hearing a special song on the radio, seeing a word on a billboard, a special number on a clock or seeing a symbol of some kind) within three days of completing your spellwork; to look for movement toward your goal within three weeks; and to look for your outcome within three months. If, at any point, you are not seeing one of these signs, then you probably have to go back and give it more energy, employ a new strategy, light another candle or do some more spiritual work around your situation.

Think about this: not every disease is cured with one dose of medicine; sometimes it requires another dose and sometimes several – the same is true for spiritual work.



Alchemy7 Magical Item Disclosure: Welcome to Alchemy7's online store, where we offer an enchanting selection of magical items designed to enhance your spiritual journey and mystical pursuits. As part of our commitment to transparency and compliance with U.S. Federal Law, we have prepared this essential disclosure to ensure that you, our valued customer, understand the terms and conditions surrounding the use of our magical items.

1. Results Disclaimer:
While our magical items are crafted with utmost care and in alignment with ancient wisdom, Alchemy7 cannot guarantee specific results or outcomes from their use. The effectiveness and manifestations of these items may vary based on individual beliefs, intentions, and energies. We encourage you to approach their usage with an open heart and a positive mindset, understanding that the nature of magic is subjective and unique to each person.

2. Age Requirement:
By making a purchase from Alchemy7, the customer certifies that they are over the age of 18 years old. Our magical items are intended for adult use only and are not suitable for minors. We advise parents and guardians to supervise and restrict access to our products accordingly.

3. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice:
Alchemy7's magical items are intended for spiritual and personal growth purposes only. They are not designed to replace professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. If you have any health or mental concerns, we strongly recommend consulting a qualified healthcare practitioner before using our products. Our items are complementary tools and should not be considered as a substitute for medical or psychological assistance.

4. Educational and Informational Purposes:
The information provided about our magical items, including descriptions, metaphysical properties, and uses, is purely educational and intended to offer insight into the rich cultural and mystical heritage behind each product. It is not meant to be taken as verifiable scientific facts. Any reliance on the information is at the customer's discretion.

5. Ethical Usage:
Alchemy7 promotes the ethical and responsible use of magical items. We discourage the use of our products for harmful, malicious, or malevolent purposes. We shall not be held responsible for any misuse of our magical items by customers.

6. Personal Responsibility:
By purchasing and using our magical items, the customer acknowledges that they assume personal responsibility for their experiences and actions resulting from the use of these items. Alchemy7 shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising from their use.

7. Product Variations:
As our magical items are often crafted using natural materials and artisanal techniques, minor variations in appearance, color, and size may occur. These variations do not affect the energetic properties or quality of the item.

8. Contact Information:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our magical item disclosure or our products, please contact us through the provided channels on our website. By proceeding with your purchase from Alchemy7, you affirm that you have read and understood the magical item disclosure and agree to its terms. We appreciate your trust in our products and look forward to assisting you on your mystical journey.

Last updated: January 29, 2024

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